Recommended Reading As You Consider Retirement Plans

As you are visioning your retirement life it is always good to consider how you will spend the bulk of your time. We humans, it would seem, were designed to have a purpose, a mission.  Without a direction in which to head we tend to wither away.  This is true at any age.  

"The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
Dr. Seuss

Here are two book recommendations that give me pause for thought as I consider my own future.  (I am not compensated through the recommendation or purchase of either of these books.)

Retire Inspired: It's Not an Age, It's a Financial Number
by Chris Hogan
From the Amazon excerpt: When you hear the word retirement, you probably don't imagine yourself scrambling to pay your bills in your golden years. But for too many Americans, that's the fate that awaits unless they take steps now to plan for the future.

Whether you're 25 and starting your first  job or 55 and watching the career clock start to wind down, today is the day to get serious about your retirement.

The Second Mountain: How People Move from the Prison of Self to the Joy of Commitment
by David Brooks
From the Amazon excerpt: Everybody tells you to live for a cause larger than yourself, but how exactly do you do it? The best-selling author of The Road to Character explores what it takes to lead a meaningful life in a self-centered world.

Every so often, you meet people who radiate joy - who seem to know why they were put on this earth, who glow with a kind of inner light.

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